
Please click on the Aladdin image or the following link to access METNS ePayments:
Re: School Year 2024–2025 Pupil Expenses
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Each school year parents and guardians are asked to contribute to funding the cost of the consumables, registrations, licences and other school resources for our school. Our school enrolment is growing each year and our costs are consequently increasing. The amount being requested per pupil this year is €75 and we ask again for your generous support which is very much appreciated.
PUPIL EXPENSES: To explain how we use your contribution, the Board of Management has broken down the amounts as follows:
> Pupil charge payable Educate Together National Office €15
> 24 hour Accident Insurance (medical costs only) €9
> IT licence costs and IT support charges €21
> Photo copying and printing and other class consumables €10
> Sports equipment/curriculum resources/Arts and Crafts/Yoga/Storytellers/Visitors €20
Fees payable to Patron Body
The pupil payment to Educate Together is needed to fund the Patron’s national office and must be paid by the school based on pupil numbers attending. As an Educate Together school we depend on the support and advice of the patron to manage this school and to remain part of the Educate Together network.
Accident Insurance (24 hr Cover)
Purchasing a group Accident Insurance policy reduces the cost for families by almost 60% over buying individual policies for each child and is a desirable purchase in terms of any medical costs associated with an accident or injury as the costs of treatment is reimbursed directly to you subject to policy conditions. Many families use this cover every year and once you pay the premium the school will include your child in the cover.
IT licence costs and IT support charges
In recent yers in particular, we have greatly expanded our use of IT platforms to enhance, initially the remote teaching and learning that was required during the school lockdowns, and now to enhance our teaching, learning and communication with our parents. Our Senior Classes 3rd to 6th are all setup on Microsoft teams, whilst SeeSaw is used for the junior classes Junior Infants to Second Class. All pupils have their own individual accounts and they have all become very competent in the use of these platforms. This is of huge educational advantage to our pupils. Great additional cost has been incurred in providing these resources.
Photocopying/Printing, other consumables and Sports Equipment/Curriculum resources
These are mainly classroom and playtime sundry resources that directly relate to your child’s education and school life. The annual cost of these items is in the region of €10,000 for the school and without the voluntary contribution from you, we would have to restrict the purchase of these items.
As we are conscious that asking for money can cause difficulties for a small number of families, there is (as in previous years) an option to pay in instalments. Please contact the Principal (in confidence) as soon as possible if you need any special consideration in arranging a payment plan or wish to request a waiver from payment. Although this payment is (strictly speaking) voluntary, without your support it would not be possible to fund these resources and costs. You will receive a separate notification from the school about how you can now make this payment through the school website. If you do not want to make an online payment you can pay by cash or cheque. Receipts are given in every case.
Charitable Status
In June 2017, Maynooth Educate Together N.S. was granted full “Charitable Status” by the Charities Regulator. Therefore, if you want to make an additional donation to this school at any time and benefit from a tax relief on the donation please feel free to contact the school for information.
The Board of Management appreciates your continued support.
Yours Sincerely,
Niall Hare,
Chairperson of the Board of Management,
Maynooth Educate Together N.S.